Thursday 30 March 2017

TV Advert: Evaluation

TV Advertisement Evaluation

We have to re-brand a Unilever product individually and present it to one another. I decided to re-brand POT NOODLES, as it’s very popular brand to younger people. However, I want POT NOODLES to appeal to an older audience, especially, to working mothers.

As a group, we decided to choose a brand that appealed to us the most, as well as, a brand that has a potential to grow further. We felt that Maia’s idea was the best brand to do, which was MAGNUM. The primary audience of MAGNUM is targeted towards older people, therefore, we decided to focus on targeting teenagers to buy the product. We chose this audience, as there was a gap in the market targeting our age. For this, we have to make an advert responding to our chosen product, therefore, we used teenagers as actors to make an appeal to our new audience.

We collected our feedbacks via asking our classmates in class and unnamed people to see what they think of our advert. This is to see if our advert is successful or lacking in some aspects of advertising. It’s also to see if we achieved our aim, which is to make an appeal to teenagers, our primary audience. Most of the respondents thought that the advert was all right in terms of the subject appealing to them, however, they pointed out that we were lacking in the acting. In addition, they pointed out the poor lighting in the production and the persuasive techniques were lacking.

I think that our advert had managed to get the message across our appropriate target audience, which are teenagers. Also, I think that we would get a positive impact to the re-branded product. I feel like, as we used teenagers to do the advertising, it could persuade teenagers to buy the re-branded product. However, as mentioned above, the acting was lacking, as well as the persuasion techniques that could’ve been added.

I believe that our advertisement includes a very enticing music, which could attract peoples’ attention, especially, the teenagers. The music we included is very catchy, however, I think that there’s a couple of continuity error in our advert. For example, the lighting, when we were filming we had poor lighting in the site we filmed in. This, therefore, led to our captured scenes to have lighting error, as some were shots were brighter than others. I think our mise-en-scene was portrayed well, setting everyone up together along with the product, however, I feel like there are things that could’ve been improve. The camera works were all right, however, there some parts were the camera was shaking, therefore, it shows that we were having an unsteady grasp of the camera. Lastly, I feel like the editing was well-put together, if it weren’t for the editing – the product would’ve of not been portrayed well, as it could. However, the lack of addition of persuasion technique that could’ve been added through post-production would’ve of made the advertisement have much more impact.

I feel that our finished product will sell effectively to our targeted audience. However, I am not confident about our story line. I feel like we are missing some vital aspects of advertising such as the point from AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action). We could use a slogan to attract people, slogans tends stay in a persons’ memory – and if it’s very catchy, I believe that it would be a very effective advertising.  

I think that our advertisement conveyed the message that we want to send, we used actors who are the same age of our target audience to entice them.

The advertisement fits the purpose, although, it doesn’t look as professional as we want it to be, I believe there’s still some aspect in the advertisement that could be considered as professional. We complied to the BCAP codes such as:

Advertisements must not condone or encourage excessive consumption of any food.

Advertisements that contain nutrition or health claims must be supported by documentary evidence to show they meet the conditions of use associated with the relevant claim, as specified in the EU Register. Advertisements must not give a misleading impression of the nutrition or health benefits of the product as a whole and factual nutrition statements should not imply a nutrition or health claim that cannot be supported. Claims must be presented clearly and without exaggeration.

Advertisements must not state or imply that a balanced and varied diet cannot provide appropriate quantities of nutrients in general. Individuals must not be encouraged to swap a healthy diet for supplementation.

I believe that none of these codes conflicted with our advertisement.

Our final advertisement had many amendments in the process, therefore, in comparison; the original one the changes are prominent. Our pre-production paperwork had many amendments onto it. Our production diary and the weekly schedule for this project had to be move around for availability. Although, we did not have much problem writing our pre-production paperwork. We also had to amend our shot list, to accommodate our scenes.

We took our location recce photos on the day we started our first shoot, which I do not recommend, as it could lead to this kind of problem. We also had to change the product we are re-branding, as it was hard to find a supply for Solero, therefore, we used Magnum instead. However, the idea remained the same throughout even when our product changed.

When we were editing our advertisement, Carl suggested that we re-shoot other scenes due to continuity error and there should be much more element onto it. Therefore, we re-shoot the scenes, which were needed. Upon, reflecting onto the suggestion we were able to produce a better quality than what we have before.

I am quite satisfied with our final product; however, I feel that there is a lot for us to improve – such as including elements that could potentially attract more audience such as better effects and better footage. If I were to undertake this task again to anything differently, I would like to have change how we presented our work, such as the reason above – better effects and footage. As well as, add more elements onto it to make it more interesting.

For this task, I was the one who organised and edit everything that has needed editing. We split the tasks to one another, therefore, aside from putting everything up – I did production diary, shot list (with the help of everyone), budgeting sheet, production schedule and lastly, I was involve with the acting part, which I was not satisfied. I really do not like being filmed; however, I had to take part in the production. I really like writing pre-production paperwork to which I enjoy very much. Although, we were quite organised for this project – we couldn’t thoroughly do it in one go, however, in the future we would have to thoroughly plan out everything to get our things right. As for this project, I was not confident to finishing it with a lot of time left to edit – we were running out of time and we had to get it done quickly. Despite the shortcoming and battling the deadline – we managed to be done overall.

In conclusion, although, we had many amendments in our pre-production work and had to re-shoot our advertisement thrice, we finished the project on time. I hope in the future that we would learn from our mistakes.

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